Now Lifestyle

Now Lifestyle is a combination of Joel Therien’s love for fitness and nutrition and his vast knowledge of internet and network marketing.

Since 1998, Joel has had the privilege of helping thousands of individuals and businesses achieve an online presence not to mention help them make money while doing it.

He has built a very successful company Global Virtual Opportunities and has decided to build and grow NowLifeStyle with the intention of making it the largest online and offline health, wealth and direct selling companies around. And, I have no doubt that he will achieve this.

“NowLifeStyle is about achieving the “now” in your life style.” Joel says. It’s more than just fitness and nutrition. It’s about growing yourself and achieving those dreams that you never thought were possible until right now.

After all should people not better their health, wealth and relationships not tomorrow but right NOW?

Joel has a huge vision for NowLifeStyle. Starting with fitness supplements and a state of the art exercise platform, he intends to grow into many different facets of every day life that we use.

Joel says that the slogan for NowLifeStyle is “how I want people to embrace this program and use the opportunity”

LIVE life on your terms!
LOVE what you do every single day!
LAUGH because life is one big party!

NowLifeStyle and Joel Therien want to connect with you if you have the willingness, energy and want to be a leader in this, his most exciting project yet. Nowlifestyle is currently in the Pre Enrollment Phase. If you are a lover and a leader in this industry please click here to get on the Pre Enrollment list for FREE today

Click Here to Get Started Today

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